Thursday, November 11, 2010

The DARPA Digital Manufacturing Analysis, Correlation and Estimation (DMACE) Challenge


OK, so maybe the Digital Manufacturing Analysis, Correlation and Estimation Challenge isn't as sexy as your grand robot challenges or your race to space prizes, but hey, if you're into digital manufacturing, and are excited by the idea of using crowdsourcing to advance knowledge of the field and to explore the capabilities of DM, then the DMACE Challenge may be right up your alley. The $50,000 prize doesn't hurt, either.

The DMACE Challenge requires participants to develop the most accurate DM output predictive models given a set of input parameters for two different computer aided designs (CAD): one for a sphere (digitally manufactured with titanium) and another for a cube (digitally manufactured with polymer). Data describing the input settings for a particular digital manufacturing process and the resultant output of structural tests will be distributed by DARPA online. Input setting data may include, but is not limited to device control parameters, material composition, and CAD files. Output test data may include, but is not limited to structural load test results such as stiffness, strength, and displacement data. These data sets will be provided on the DMACE website to registered individuals and teams.

Data to enable correlation model development by competitors will be released incrementally starting on or about October 29, 2010 and will continue through December 1, 2010. Competitor models will be evaluated through some final design parameter changes that will be posted on the website towards the end of the competition. After the final configurations are posted to the challenge website, competitors will have a short amount of time to use their models to provide predictions of test results for the two final test articles. The competitors' predictions and models will comprise their Challenge entry. The competition will award a $50,000 prize and singular recognition to the person or team that most closely predicts a specific property of both of the final test products. Submission entry times will be used as a tie-breaker for matching entries.

The DARPA Digital Manufacturing Analysis, Correlation and Estimation (DMACE) Challenge

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